Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm Sorry

I have to tell you all something... I know its only been a little over a month but I'm having a hard time to keep up with my "365" project some days are better than others. I am taking back my promise to deliver an image a day and simply saying I will try to post as many images I can in a week with a minimum of one image and one update a week. I am fighting with Financial Aid and My CAA to start school again this semester with little progress and the other days we either have an appointment or something going on with Jayden or in my head haha. So I hope you will all keep following my blog updates. I will try to keep this as close as possible to a 365 project as possible. Thanks Everyone!



  1. Looking forward to all of your updates over the next months, I love keeping up with the Olmstead's on your blog now.
    The 365 Project is a giant fact, I think I missed close to 60 days when it was all said and done at the end of last year.
    With as busy as life is for you, it's good to put a perspective on it so that you can still accomplish what you set out to do with the project in your own way :)

  2. Hey Krystal, I was looking for your apple chips blog, but couldn't find it...can you email me the recipe? Pls? I would like to try them. I completed the 10 day zumba and ended up losing 4 lbs in that 10 days! I love it, thank you for encouraging me to do it!!
