Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 28

 I'm a small town girl and big city traffic with back to back cars moving at 5 miles per hour like we are in a parade is not my thing. 

Our  family's very first time eating at Red Robin! It totally made me think of and Miss my dear friend Kellie! :(
But May I just say their commercial hit it right on the Money.... YUMMMM!


  1. I miss you too!!! :)

  2. The traffic picture is great -- although sitting in it is not.

  3. Kellie: I was just telling Jamie the only thing I can say is 100%b positive about the army is that I made a friend like you. I am one of the lucky oarmy wives that can say the army brought me a life long friend!

    Megan: Thanks and ur right sitting in this traffic was not so great lol I guess it's a way of God making everyone slow down in life if only for a moment we are all a world of instant gratification everything is there to make things go by quicker well "rush" hour is definitly one thing I dont think anyone can invent something to make it go faster lol
